When we talk about traditional farming, we talk about the commercial farms you see in Sierra Leone. Acres of soil are planted with rows of crops, typically one type of crop per field. Regardless size, farmers must irrigate these crops and apply pesticides and fertilizers to protect and feed their crops. At harvest time, many traditional farms still rely on farm labor to pick the vegetables or fruits. A few farms here in Sierra Leone have various automated means of harvesting.

Abu B. Kamara

How to do Traditional Farming

There are three primary ways of preparing soil for planting. Farmers may use some or all of the following steps to prepare their fields:

  • Plowing — Farmers loosen the soil by digging into it. This action can bring nutrients to the surface and increase aeration.

  • Leveling — After plowing the land, many farmers level it by dragging a flat piece of wood or metal across the surface. This step helps keep loose soil from blowing or washing away. It can also help irrigation water the field more evenly.

  • Fertilizing — It’s time to add more nutrients to the field. Farmers may choose to use natural fertilizers such as manure or chemical fertilizers designed for the purpose.

    Once the soil has been prepared, it’s time to plant. Typically, farmers drive a tractor across the field with an attachment that sows seeds. These attachments actually perform several functions at once:

  • Clear the soil of any debris.

  • Create a long narrow trench called a furrow.

  • Drop the seed into the furrow at evenly spaced intervals.

  • Close the soil over the seed.

    Planters are carefully tuned to each type of crop they plant. They sow seeds at a specific distance apart and dig them to the correct depth for the current soil conditions.

    Crops grown outdoors are often susceptible to problems like pests, weeds, and diseases. Most commercial farms apply insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides across their fields to protect crops against these problems. Some farmers have also adopted genetically modified versions of popular crops designed to resist these problems.

    Fertilization, or nutrient management, is a critical component of commercial farming. Farmers will test the soil throughout the growing season to determine which nutrients are lacking, then add these nutrients as fertilizers. The primary nutrient types typically managed include nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), and you will often see NPK ratios listed on commercial fertilizers.

    Much of the farmland in Sierra Leone (and worldwide) must be irrigated to ensure crops receive enough moisture to grow and thrive. Most commercial growers use three primary types of irrigation:

  • Surface irrigation — basins, canals, or furrows are flooded to distribute water through the field.

  • Sprinkler irrigation — hoses, pipes, and pressurized sprinkler heads spray water across the field.

  • Drip irrigation — soaker hoses, and other methods constantly drip or trickle small amounts of water directly onto crops.

    Once the crops have reached full maturity, it’s time for the harvest. Some crops, such as most grains, are harvested by machine. This technique may lead to food waste but is far cheaper and safer than farm labor. Other crops are more delicate and must be harvested by hand. In these instances, farm labor is brought in temporarily to manage the harvest.

    Different types of handling must occur once the crop has been harvested to prepare it for commercial sale. This post-harvest handling may include drying, dehulling, cleaning, sorting, and packaging, depending on the type of crop involved.

    Hamdonic 2.0 vs. Soil Farming: Key Comparisons
    When comparing Hamdonic 2.0 vs. traditional farming, we must consider several factors.

    Because Hamdonic 2.0 systems are often housed indoors, they can produce crops year-round. Crops often grow faster in such systems due to the ready availability of nutrients in the water and ideal climate conditions.

    Winner: Hamdonic 2.0

    Traditional farming methods take up a lot of space because the plants must all be grown at ground level. Most systems use vertical farming methods in Hamdonic 2.0 growing and stacking plants in trays or towers. This ability to use vertical space means growers can plant more crops in a smaller area.

    Winner: Hamdonic 2.0

    Perhaps surprisingly, most Hamdonic 2.0 systems use less water than traditional farms. This is because they can repeatedly recycle the same water through the system, with little or no water lost to the water table or evaporation. On the other hand, energy consumption is often significant in systems that rely entirely on grow lights to feed their plants.

    Winner: Hamdonic 2.0

    In addition to using less water, Hamdonic 2.0 systems tend to be far more sustainable because they do not contribute to topsoil degradation and don’t need chemical fertilizers and pesticides to protect their crops.

    Winner: Hamdonic 2.0

    It’s widely understood that our climate is changing dramatically, significantly impacting traditional farming. Hamdonic 2.0, on the other hand, can grow crops in climates that are wholly unsuitable for outdoor growing. Cold-weather crops can be produced in the tropics, while warm-climate crops thrive in the tundra.

    Winner: Hamdonic 2.0

    Most Hamdonic 2.0 farms grow produce like leafy greens, herbs, or microgreens. Some other crops, like strawberries and peppers, have also been adapted to various systems. Yet other crops will likely never work in a hydroponic environment, particularly those grown underground, like peanuts, potatoes, carrots, and onions.

    Winner: Traditional farming

    While traditional farms are at the mercy of nature, indoor Hamdonic 2.0 farms are season agnostic. Regardless of the temperature or weather conditions outside, growers can set the ideal conditions for their plants indoors.

    Winner: Hamdonic 2.0

    If you’ve ever been affected by a fruit or vegetable recall, you understand the dangers associated with crop contamination. Open-air crops are susceptible to all sorts of contamination, while Hamdonic 2.0 crops are often grown in laboratory-like conditions where accidental contamination is almost impossible.

    To learn more, read our article on Hamdonic 2.0 Food Safety.

    Winner: Hamdonic 2.0

    Because it uses far less space and doesn’t need soil, indoor farming can thrive in nearly any environment, including densely populated urban areas. This versatility means that crops don’t have to be transported for miles and miles to reach consumers. Since so much food waste occurs in transit, Hamdonic 2.0 crops come out on top here.

    Winner: Hamdonic 2.0

    Traditional farms are far less expensive to set up than Hamdonic 2.0 farms. Traditional farming wins when considering cost alone.

    Winner: Traditional farming

    Questions & Answers

    Is 'Hamdonic 2.0' better then soil?
    We must consider many factors here, but our Hamdonic 2.0 systems offer the following benefits:

  • 98% less water usage than traditional farming

  • 99% less land usage than traditional farming

  • Meet or exceed the strictest SQF Institute food safety standards

  • Climate and season-agnostic growing, year-round

    Do 'Hamdonic 2.0' plants taste better?
    Since these crops can be grown closer to consumers than traditional crops, they tend to be fresher and taste better.

    How long does it take plants to grow using 'Hamdonic 2.0'?
    While this depends greatly on the type and variety of crop being grown, most of our crops can be harvested within 30-45 days.

    Do 'Hamdonic 2.0' plants need sunlight?
    Sunlight is the best light source for growing plants of all sorts. But when properly designed and calibrated, artificial lighting systems can offer everything plants need to grow and thrive.

    What are the 3 advantages of 'Hamdonic 2.0' farming?
    While there are many benefits to Hamdonic 2.0, here are just a few examples:

  • Hamdonic 2.0 farms take up far less space and need no soil. They can be grown almost anywhere, including harsh climates and dense urban settings.

  • Hamdonic 2.0 plants are protected from pests, weeds, most diseases, and contamination. This means more predictable yields and far less chance of food recalls.

  • Hamdonic 2.0 farms that use sunlight as much as possible are far more environmentally responsible than most traditional commercial farming methods. We use less water, do not deplete topsoil, and don’t contaminate the environment with harmful chemicals like pesticides and herbicides.

    We are 100% Sustainable - 100% Sunpowered - 100% SQF-SAFE - 100% Sierra Leonean

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    We believe in local Research and Development and we are looking for a university in Sierra Leone to collaborate with.

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    101 Hanger Road
    Lordep / Jui
    Sierra Leone

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